Dilly Beans

Thursday, September 22, 2011

First I'd like to say I am at a loss. I have misplaced so many food photos I could cry. Or, what I actually did, throw a fit and not blog for two weeks. But I digress. I must share these with you because I can't stop eating them!

So what is a dilly bean? It's a "pickled" green bean spiced with cayenne pepper. It is a great add on to a relish dish or a snack with beer. I also eat them with a sandwich in place of a pickle. 

Before you start, make sure you are using clean, sanitized jars and lids. Make sure to keep the mouth of the jar clean and try not to touch the mouth with your hands. Have a large pot of boiling water ready for the jars (that possibly holds all four quart jars.)

INGREDIENTS (makes four quarts)

(for each jar)
2 pounds trimmed green beans
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 cloves garlic
2 heads dill

5 cups water
5 cups vinegar
1/2 cup course salt

1. In each quart jar put the beans, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, garlic cloves and heads of dill.

Please note that I went way too light on my first batch here. The beans should be packed as tightly as possible.

2. In a sauce pan, boil the water vinegar and salt.

3. Fill the jars with the liquid. Put on the lids and process in boiling water for 15 minutes.

See how these jars above shrunk up so much? And he ones below stayed packed? That is the difference. 

In two weeks you can refrigerate and enjoy your dilly beans! My fav!!


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